Keep Your Vows

Keep Your Vows

I officiated a wedding last weekend. I have served as the officiant for more than 100 weddings. All the typical occurrences for this “big day” were present. People were late. There was confusion within the wedding party. The bride was nervous. The groom was sweating. Mouths were dry. Tissues were missing. Phones were recording and flashing throughout the ceremony.


As we approached the moment when vows were to be exchanged, it hit me. It hits me almost every time we come to the part of exchanging VOWS. Most of us can recall the traditional statement, “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” Those phrases we know. However, it is the nature of the vows that is to be underscored. A person is pledging how he or she will behave regardless of the circumstance. Irrespective of what comes our way – however high the highs, however low the lows, to whatever extent the tempest wails and groans – we are pledging how we will treat our mate. Think of all the potential scenarios:


  • When one leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
  • When one forgets to pick up the spouse’s medication at the pharmacy.
  • When one spouse is snoring in the other’s face at 2 am.
  • When one changes “plans” because of physical exhaustion (and the other questions the real motive behind the change).
  • When misdirected assumptions turn into false accusations.


Oh, the grind of Normal – Every – Day – Life.


Above all else, do your best to keep your VOWS. Normal everyday life should not cancel your vows being expressed.




Once upon a time, you made a vow. Keep it.


Jeff Rees